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Mahda's Computer History Apreciation Page Propper Yarns


Where to begin? well i guess the start is a good place. 14.8 billion years ago... just kidding. My first ever exposure to computers, was staring at a green phosphorus monitor, attached to an amstrad pc. It was running a weird version of BASIC as it's Operating system and used actual non-standard hard floppy disks.

Bigger, Better.

I eventually Moved on to bigger and better things. Here's a photo of a DX-33 a 386 pc which was my first foray into DOS operating system. I learned about shell menu's and early graphics settings(xga,cga,vga,sVGA)

The Boom

then it was on to the Pentium 300Mhz Hotdog pro Dreamweaver Photoshop 4.0 Truespace Winamp

The DVStorm hardware video encoder card came along with the pentium 3 600mhz workstation. I thought i was God. After Effects Premier Macromedia InDesign Illustrator Photoshop 6.0